The conscious leader creates a heightened sense of self awareness, enabling them to lead from a place of empowerment and choice and to work towards being the leader they seek. This programme connects the leader with a deep sense of self as they begin to take responsibility for the personal impact they have as a leader and connect with celebrating and owning who they are.
Content and Outcomes
Know your self.
To realise that leadership begins with ‘self’. We start the process of looking inwards at your leadership, beginning to connect you with your natural state and creating the habit of considering self as the starting point.
Accèss your natural state
The leader begins to access their balance of emotional openness, physical ease and intellectual calm. They realise their innate strength and characteristics and can connect with their place of truth.
Celebrate your strengths
Own and celebrate the strengths that come naturally to you and give you energy. Become aware of when to use and when not to use them.
Know what gets in your way.
Acknowledge and move beyond the limiting mindset or belief practices that may get be getting in your way.
Understand your preferences
See and understand your leadership style and communication preferences, and explore what else is available to you.
Discover meaning and purpose
Connect with the common themes that have meaning and purpose for you as a leader, both in and out of work.
Ensure others experience you as you wish them to
Accept responsibility of how others experience you and become proficient at managing your impact.
Receive immediate feedback and direction
Receive immediate and personal feedback on your impact and explore new skills and techniques that may support you.
The confidence to be who you are
Gain the confidence to be your own best supporter, to like who are you are and what you stand for
Move from habit to choice
Differentiate between habits and choice, bringing freedom and empowerment to your leadership.