The Natural Leader Schools

Secondary schools

Developing natural leaders in secondary school

Our secondary school programme gives pupils the opportunity to ‘unfold’ their unique leadership qualities. This is their opportunity to develop the skills they need to succeed in the world outside of school, to discover the qualities they hold that reach way beyond those demanded by the national curriculum.

Accessing and celebrating their own strengths and those of others enables them to become comfortable and confident in who they are, how to express themselves and how to celebrate others.

Connection Confidence Communication Choice Cooperation Celebration

Our priority is to reach the learners with these lessons.
We co-design the delivery in partnership with your school, working with your priorities and with your precious time and resource.
Work often beings by presenting at senior leadership team meeting and continues by working in partnership with, for example, a deputy head as programme sponsor.
Delivery is typically across one year group and works well during a full morning, once a term.
Activity is varied, engaging, interactive and designed to keep the energy up, captivate and keep the attention of the learners and provide really ‘hands-on’ practical learning.
Do speak to us about how it may best work for your school.

Term one


Getting to know myself. Developing a heightened sense of self-awareness and explores the natural unique character of each pupil. The leadership lessons include looking at values and beliefs, habits, behaviours and understanding personal strengths.


Getting to be myself. Enabling the growth of self-confidence, celebration, resilience and self-care. Developing a sense of ‘this is me’ and celebrating it. We work with presence, mindfulness and fulfilment.

Term two


Communicating who I am. Developing personal communication skills and techniques, allowing the children to access a full range of communication skills. These enable them to have the impact they want to have on others. The lessons include authenticity, listening skills and effective communication with words, body and voice.


Always being the best of me, in every situation. The children learn that they are ‘response-able’. They become conscious and intentional about how they respond, are able to be empathetic with others, to ask powerful questions to find out more and to have full control over their sense of being at all times.

Term three


Bring all of me when I work with others. Competition is healthy, collaboration is often harder and healthier. Children learn the value of working together and learn the techniques of building strong and healthy relationships. Lessons include how to hear all the voices, include different perspectives and the qualities, techniques and value of cooperation and high value connections with others.


Celebrating me and others. As humans we often, naturally, look towards the negative, fear what could go wrong or stay quiet to minimise the risk. The practice and art of celebration is the antidote to fear and negativity. Lessons include resilience, difference, the celebration ratio and mindfulness.


We design the delivery of the programme with you to best suit your school and timetable.


Face-to-face teacher training, face-to-face learner delivery available, a full programme of resources is available including interim exercises between sessions for tutor lessons.


£3,000-£5,000 per school.


Certified on completion on assessment