Leadership Development

Lead myself

Conscious. Authentic. Purposeful. The natural leader has a highly developed sense of who they are as a leader. They know their value and understand the impact they have on others. Others experience them as being intellectually calm, emotionally open and physically at ease. This is the first step in natural leadership.

Modules in this Programme

The conscious leader

Explore who you are at your natural best.

The conscious leader has a developed sense of self, enabling them to lead from a place of empowerment and choice and to work towards being the leader they seek.

The authentic leader

Tap into and maintain your most natural and powerful state. Stay true to yourself.

The authentic leader is able to represent their true feelings and beliefs, no matter who they are with. Others experience them as genuine, congruent and real.

The purposeful leader

Find the 'why' behind your leadership. What has meaning and purpose for you?

The purposeful leader has a clear sense of the reason they lead. In service of a bigger purpose, they lead co-operatively and curiously, without ego. Guided by their purpose, they are consistent in their style, language and behaviour bringing clarity and certainty to those they lead