Our approach is nature-based leadership

Nature-based leadership

What is nature-based leadership?

Nature-based leadership is an approach to leadership that is rooted in nature. It considers the leadership system to be part of, not separate to, the natural world and to be interconnected to the evolutionary process.

It moves beyond a mechanical process of ‘control and manage’ and works with ‘sensing and responding’ in order to create and evolve.

In a world increasingly characterised by complexity and uncertainty, the principles of nature offer invaluable insights into effective leadership.

Nature-based leadership is a philosophy that draws inspiration from the natural world and works with innate intelligences to guide individuals, teams and organisations towards success.

In our experience, it is an approach and perspective that fundamentally elevates leaders and organisations, their potential and the impact they perceive to be possible.

Key principles of nature-based leadership?

Here at The Natural Leader, our approach is based on six key principles which articulate nature-based leadership.

Planet as our only stakeholder

That we share one single and ultimate stakeholder; our planet.

Nature holds the solutions

That nature, with 3.8 billion years of evolution, thriving, surviving and adapting, holds systems and models that can offer us solutions.

Leadership as a living system

The organisations, teams and individual leaders are part of that living system and not separate from it.

Leaders as guardians

That the natural role of a leader is to create the conditions for nature to continue to thrive for the benefit of future generations. We are merely guardians.

Every change begins with a person

That every change in that system begins with the individual and their ability to be exceptional in human connection and communication.

Enable others to drive sustainable change

The role of nature-based leaders is to connect others with their natural intelligence and to coach them to drive sustainable change.

The benefits of nature-based leadership

Nature-based leadership assumes that leaders already have what they need in abundance. At The Natural Leader, we work with eight innate intelligences that have the principles of harmony, adaptability and resilience. Our approach emphasises the interconnectedness of leadership to our natural planet and to all living systems. And of course, the importance of the role of leaders as guardians of our planet. Through an exploration of nature’s wisdom, leaders can cultivate sustainable practices that benefit both their teams and the broader leadership ecosystem.

Understanding nature-based leadership

Nature-based leadership is founded on the belief that the natural world provides profound lessons in effective leadership. Just as ecosystems thrive through diversity and interdependence, successful leaders foster inclusive environments that celebrate the unique contributions of each individual. By embracing diversity of thought and perspective, nature-based leaders harness the collective intelligence of their teams to address complex challenges.

Vitally, nature-based leadership emphasises the importance of longevity, adaptability and resilience. Just as ecosystems evolve in response to changing conditions, effective leaders remain agile in the face of adversity. They cultivate a growth mindset, viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and innovation. By fostering a culture of experimentation and exploration, nature-based leaders inspire creativity and resilience within their organisations.

Leadership that is interconnected, not separate

Here at The Natural Leader, we consider leadership to be connected, and not separate from, our natural world. More traditional approaches to leadership may see the ultimate goal of leadership as being to unleash a profitable performance, to keep a well-oiled machine or culture and to be highly effective at ‘identifying and replacing’ anything or anyone that is slowing the success of this ‘isolated entity’.
The natural leader, organisation or team perceives the role of leaders as sensing, evolving and responding to the broader ecosystem. Just like nature, they see leadership as a living system, ever-changing, inclusive, responsive and abundant.

The traits of nature-based leaders

As nature-based leadership emerges, there are some common traits being associated with it.

Interconnectedness: Recognising the interconnectedness of all living beings, nature-based leaders prioritise collaboration and partnership. They cultivate strong relationships built on trust, empathy and mutual respect, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among team members.

Sustainability: Nature-based leaders adopt a long-term perspective, considering the impact of their decisions on future generations. They prioritise sustainable practices that minimise harm to the environment and promote the wellbeing of all stakeholders. By aligning their actions with the principles of sustainability, they create enduring value for both their organisations and the planet.

Adaptability: In a world of constant change, nature-based leaders embrace adaptability as a core competency. They remain open to new ideas and perspectives, continuously seeking opportunities for growth and evolution. By fostering a culture of flexibility and experimentation, they empower their teams to navigate uncertainty with confidence and resilience.

Resilience: Drawing inspiration from the resilience of natural ecosystems, nature-based leaders cultivate the ability to bounce back from adversity. They view challenges as opportunities for growth, leveraging setbacks as catalysts for innovation and improvement. By nurturing a culture of resilience, they inspire confidence and perseverance in the face of uncertainty.

An expanding concept of what it is to be human

At The Natural Leader, we coach and develop eight innate leadership intelligences, each one linked to the dimensions of health and wellbeing. Leaders expand their sense of what it means to be an integrated human and therefore an integrated leader. Our work is natural because it works with what is already there, ensuring it can be at its best, enduring and resilient. Vitally, our work enables leaders, teams and whole organisations to link leadership directly through to our collective, global responsibilities.

Emotional Intelligence

Working actively and positively with emotions in self and others.

  • Becoming emotionally literate across the full spectrum of human emotion and appreciating their value.
  • Identifying and appreciating emotions in yourself and others with respect and value.
  • Speaking to the emotional field with confidence and proficiency.
  • Working with your emotions and those of others in a constructive way.
  • Valuing the role that positive emotion plays in leadership performance and being committed to it.
  • Vulnerability.

Relational Intelligence

Create and hold positive relationships.

  • Being able to create and maintain positive relationships across your life and work.
  • Taking responsibility for managing and maintaining those relationships with exceptional relationships skills.
  • Being competent in leaning into challenging negative relationships constructively and increasing their strength.
  • Understanding the qualities needed in relationship.
  • Contributing your unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding.

Reputation Intelligence

Ensuring the collective and perceptions that others hold, align with your aspiration.

  • Appreciating all those who have an interest in you, your team, organisation and purpose.

Physical Intelligence

Use your physical state, your body, breath and voice.

  • The ability to remain in your best physical state, at ease and free from tension in your body, regardless of circumstance.
  • Identifying when your body changes to indicate a change of state
  • Being able to use your body, breath, posture, energy and voice to have the impact you seek.
  • Appreciating how movement changes the chemicals in your body and knowing how to affect a physically positive state.

Environmental Intelligence

Linking your leadership to your environment and the planet.

  • Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and well-being.
  • Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment.
  • Demonstrating commitment to a healthy planet.

Intellectual Intelligence

Thinking freely, creatively and without inhibition or habit.

  • Ensuring that you can access and maintain an intellectual state to best serve you.
  • Ensuring it is not a reactive or habitual state but one of choice and design that is relevant to you.
  • Being empowered and at choice.
  • Understanding thinking habits that may hold you back, belief systems that may be 'historic' or state.
  • Be consistently curious about yourself and others.
  • Holding confidence and self belief in your unique self and your ability to respond positively to changes and challenges.

Communication Intelligence

Expanding your full range and register of personal communication skills to connect with others.

  • Designing personal impact and influence.
  • Adapting vocal range, tone and articulation.
  • Authoring a clear and compelling narrative.
  • Effective use of pause.
  • Using emotion to engage.
  • Managing 'state' through breath, energy and pace.
  • Highly effective listening.

Social Intelligence

Building and maintaining connections across your community.

  • Building and maintaining a series of connections across the organisation, business.
  • Being care-ful.
  • Healthy relationships, enjoying being with others, developing friendships and intimate relations, caring about others.
  • Ego-less in service of making space for others and letting others care about you.
  • Contributing to your community.