Ola Gwozda, December 2023"As we enter this new context of organisational complexity with constant demands for change and innovation, our leaders are under new pressures that require new ways of thinking, being and practice.
The natural leader approach responds to these challenges by connecting to the core of what it means to be an integrated human and therefore an integrated and effective leader."
Award Winning Researcher, Leadership, Sustainability, Digital. UN Women UK Delegate 2024
We are The Natural Leader
We formed The Natural Leader in 2023, in response to what we consider to be an outdated and stagnant leadership market, in response to a world of leaders who are adapting to fundamental global challenges and from the necessity to act to save our planet.
Our reason for being is to link leadership directly to global responsibilities and to provide some very real support around enduring, optimal and healthy performance for today’s leaders as they work at all levels to meet the needs of our changing world.

Optimal and enduring leadership, naturally sourced
We enable leaders to tap into their natural leadership and evoke the same in others. To optimise their way of ‘being’ so that they deliver the ‘doing’ with greater impact. Natural leaders thrive and deliver consistent, exceptional leadership performance that can be sustained because it is naturally sourced and effortlessly resourced.
Enabling natural leadership means that leaders become change-makers across their leadership system through exceptional human connection and communication.
The result? Individuals, teams and entire leadership populations elevate their model of ‘being’ to the same level as their model of ‘doing.’

Natural intelligence that enables resilient and healthy leaders
The modern leader is a change-maker. Aligning around a common purpose, they accelerate change, move at pace, are proficient in engaging relationships and systems and effortlessly move others into action.
Working with us, they tap into eight leadership intelligences, each mapped to a dimension of health and wellbeing. They know what it takes to deliver sustainable leadership, to be at their natural best and consider it their role to evoke the same in others.
Connecting with and moving their audiences takes exceptional flexibility in human connection and personal communication. Compassionate and inspirational in one moment, they are able to move to be analytical or authoritative in another.
To do so requires authenticity and congruence in every moment. This only comes from being able to access their ‘natural’ and optimum state.
As they navigate themselves, their teams and their systems to meet the needs of the planet, they must be successful at engaging and moving multiple audiences.

The Natural Leader
Emotional Intelligence
Working actively and positively with emotions in self and others.
- Becoming emotionally literate across the full spectrum of human emotion and appreciating their value.
- Identifying and appreciating emotions in yourself and others with respect and value.
- Speaking to the emotional field with confidence and proficiency.
- Working with your emotions and those of others in a constructive way.
- Valuing the role that positive emotion plays in leadership performance and being committed to it.
- Vulnerability.
Relational Intelligence
Create and hold positive relationships.
- Being able to create and maintain positive relationships across your life and work.
- Taking responsibility for managing and maintaining those relationships with exceptional relationships skills.
- Being competent in leaning into challenging negative relationships constructively and increasing their strength.
- Understanding the qualities needed in relationship.
- Contributing your unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding.
Reputation Intelligence
Ensuring the collective and perceptions that others hold, align with your aspiration.
- Appreciating all those who have an interest in you, your team, organisation and purpose.
Physical Intelligence
Use your physical state, your body, breath and voice.
- The ability to remain in your best physical state, at ease and free from tension in your body, regardless of circumstance.
- Identifying when your body changes to indicate a change of state
- Being able to use your body, breath, posture, energy and voice to have the impact you seek.
- Appreciating how movement changes the chemicals in your body and knowing how to affect a physically positive state.
Environmental Intelligence
Linking your leadership to your environment and the planet.
- Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and well-being.
- Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment.
- Demonstrating commitment to a healthy planet.
Intellectual Intelligence
Thinking freely, creatively and without inhibition or habit.
- Ensuring that you can access and maintain an intellectual state to best serve you.
- Ensuring it is not a reactive or habitual state but one of choice and design that is relevant to you.
- Being empowered and at choice.
- Understanding thinking habits that may hold you back, belief systems that may be 'historic' or state.
- Be consistently curious about yourself and others.
- Holding confidence and self belief in your unique self and your ability to respond positively to changes and challenges.
Communication Intelligence
Expanding your full range and register of personal communication skills to connect with others.
- Designing personal impact and influence.
- Adapting vocal range, tone and articulation.
- Authoring a clear and compelling narrative.
- Effective use of pause.
- Using emotion to engage.
- Managing 'state' through breath, energy and pace.
- Highly effective listening.
Social Intelligence
Building and maintaining connections across your community.
- Building and maintaining a series of connections across the organisation, business.
- Being care-ful.
- Healthy relationships, enjoying being with others, developing friendships and intimate relations, caring about others.
- Ego-less in service of making space for others and letting others care about you.
- Contributing to your community.
The natural leader ecology outlines five stages of development
Accessing, maintaining and managing the optimum, natural state. Igniting natural resources and developing connection with leadership purpose. Congruent in what we think, feel and do at all times.

Creating connection and nurturing positive and fruitful relationships, we become exceptional communicators and are capable of connecting many audiences to a common purpose.

We evoke natural leadership across our leadership population. Working with teams and system relationships, we become proficient in mapping, aligning and influencing our wider system.

Consistently reaching beyond 'self' we evoke connection in others towards our collective, bigger purpose concentrating on legacy and impact.

Orchestrating our environment and systems towards change and innovation, this is natural leader at their best; linking their personal leadership and purpose towards our shared global responsibilities.

When we move beyond the leadership of ‘doing’ to the leadership of being, our leadership becomes inherent, personal and powerful. This is natural leadership. It is as unique as our fingerprint. It is developed through experiential learning and practice.
Our work is a unique blend of experience. Grounded in hands-on, senior business experience in leadership, executive coaching, performance coaching, communications and sustainability. Together we have a collective purpose. That is, to enable leaders to access and maintain their optimum and natural state of ‘being’; intellectually calm, physically at ease and emotionally open.
We are partnering with leaders across global and UK organisations to develop exceptional individuals, teams and cultures.
A very warm welcome to The Natural Leader.