The policy leader forms a unique and crystal clear positioning and path towards change across systems, organisations and institutions. Forging a course through which to progress the change they want to see, they are skilled at rising above the noise, setting the precendents to elevate the thinking of others and are able to skilfully navigate the environment to ensure the policy is adopted.
Content and Outcomes
in context. Reality vs possibility
Examining the context, insight and assumptions and stretching the possibility
Create a compelling ask
Clarifying the ask and creating the edits from all perspectives.
Define the change through impact and evidence
Defining value through impact and legacy
System, policy and organisational perspectives
Aligning and prioritising stakeholders to build a coalition
Engaging decision makers
Identifying the richest opportunities for fruitful engagement
Inviting participation
Mobilising the message, channel and delivery
Persistent publicity
The strategic communications plan for relentless visibility and engagement
Evolution and evaluation
Grow strong in evidence and design the path to evolving