Leadership Development

Lead the planet

As senior executives and board members, our role is to make the link between our organisation or purpose and our planet. This executive development programme, puts the leadership of those leading nationally and internationally, firmly into the context of our planet. Enabling and educating those positioned to influence policy and change at the most senior level.

Modules in this Programme

The planetary leader

Knowing how to directly relate their leadership, and those of others, to our global responsibilities, considering our planet to be our single and ultimate stakeholder.

The planetary leader can directly relate their leadership, and that of others, to our global responsibilities, considering our planet to be our single and ultimate stakeholders

The policy leader

Forging or creating a course of action or principle that is adopted by an organisation or individual

Forging a course through which to progress the change they want to see, they are skilled at rising above the noise, setting the precendents to elevate the thinking of others and are able to skilfully navigate the environment to ensure the policy is adopted.

The influential leader

The influential leader adapts every aspect of their natural leadership, in every moment, towards the common goal. Bringing a sense of proximity across geographical miles, they connect and communicate across a matrix of topics, channels and organisations to affect change.

The influential leader has the capacity to rouse, instigate or induce an effect something or someone, simply through the way they choose to be.