Effecting change in others is a constant for any leader who is seeking sustainable impact. The ability to influence across the leadership system and across cultures demands incredible flexibility.
The influential leader can adapt their styles, messaging and communication to bring a sense of proximity where there is geographical distance. They demonstrate a great flexibility in connection and communication across a complex matrix of topics, organisations and channels, often in the course of just one working day. Such agile influencing skills must also be grounded in the deepest and most consistent sense of authenticity, if the change that is made is to last.
Content and Outcomes
Senior stakeholder mapping and prioritisation
Map your senior stakeholders and influencing matrix.
Assess the quality of connection
Assess each stakeholder on the level of high quality connection and identity the immediate opportunity.
Define the influence you wish to have
Define with clarity, the influence you seek to bring about and articulate the benefits of achieving it.
Immediate personal connection and rapport
Know how to create immediate and meaningful, high quality connection.
Influential communication techniques
Expand the full range of personal influencing communication skills and techniques, used by those in the most visible of leadership positions.
Hold your physical presence
Maintain your physical presence, personal impact and status in person, online and under challenge.
Author clear rhetoric, from purpose
The art of remaining grounded in purpose while employing persuasive techniques
The three persuasive audiences
Observe and respond to your audience to find opportunities for influence
Towards the common agenda
Creating the common agenda to add value and enrich relationships
The prologue. The epilogue
Opening and closing the influencing to set the stage and conclude to action