Leadership Development

The inspiring leader

To fill others with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something positive, creative or away from the ordinary.

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Deriving from the Latin 'inspiratus' meaning 'to breath into' and 'to draw air into the lungs', the inspirational leader compels others to move forwards and beyond the norm.

This ability to evoke positive feelings and the sense of forward movement in others requires a strong sense of purpose, the ability to lead from values, to work with intention and to be highly effective in the use of personal communication skills.

The inspiring leader brings heightened sense of awareness to their body, voice and breath and can combine remaining acutely present and attuned to their impact in that moment. Receive personal direction and feedback to deepen your learning and forward your leadership.

Content and Outcomes

Own your physical space

Create a compelling physical presence that invites and attracts

Define personal impact

Shape and take responsibility for how others experience you

Expanded vocal range and register

Know how your voice and pitch supports or detracts your impact

Your compelling story

Author an authentic narrative that engages your audience

Creativity in expression

Unlock full access to your personal creativity

Using breath for impact

Ensure depth and meaning to your delivery simply through breathing techniques

Embedding emotion into your leadership

Intelligently use emotion to connect with and move others

Connect identity with image

Develop a relentless sense of congruence and consistency of character

Expansive use of vocabulary

Learn how the skilful use of vocabulary changes your delivery

Effective energy and pace

Employ selective use of energy and pace to shape how your message lands

In person, online or blended
The Natural Leader Certification
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Seed 1/2 day

Plant the seed to discover the leaders, explore the approach, principles and practices

Grow 1 day

Grow the full range of your leadership techniques and expand your intelligence to gain a deep understanding of what it takes to be at your best

Nurture 3 day

An immersive experience. Learn the theories, nurture every skill and develop the personal practices. We focus on the impact and outcome with personalised and peer learning.

Flourish Executive Coaching

Experience how to flourish. Regenerate your leadership and experience this work from your unique, leadership perspective. Personalised, immediate guidance, coaching and feedback so that you can excel through the richest form of development