Leadership Development

The compelling leader

Evoke interest, attention or admiration. Become attractive in a powerful and irresistible way.

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The compelling leader is magnetic. Whenever they are present, others gravitate towards them, the energy in the room is lifted and possibility exists. They have a natural ability to pull others toward them and, in a one-to-one situation, they make you feel like you are the only person in the room. What they say, do and feel are clearly and consistently aligned in their very being. When they leave, things seem always to have progressed.

Content and Outcomes

Design your leadership narrative

Turn your leadership style, values strengths and preferences into a compelling narrative.

Speak so others listen

Effective use of emotion and words to excite and engage others.

Move your audience to action

Become clear on what you need your audience to think, do and feel.

Pause, when and how to use it

Understand your pace, how to punctuate with pause and the response that pause evokes in others.

Creative expression and picture painting

Experiment with creativity of words, delivery and imagination.

Theatrical skills and techniques

Learn from professional actors, on how to use your body, breath and voice.

Effective physical presence

Use physical intelligence to own your space and take your place, even before your speak.

Remain compelling under challenge

Hold your ground in a hostile audience to remain compelling in your argument.

How to enter and leave your space

Become conscious of immediate impact as you enter or leave your space, whether on-line or in person.

Captivate and keep your audiences' attention.

Techniques and strategies to captive your audience from the outset.

In person, online or blended
Nationally and internationally
Accreditation from The Natural Leader
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Seed 1/2 day

Plant the seed of becoming compelling. Explore the 'why' and the 'how'.

Grow 1 day

Experience how 'you' become compelling. Learn the skills and explore the techniques.

Nurture 3 days

A comprehensive development programme to becoming compelling with immediate personal direction and feedback.

Flourish Executive coaching

The richest and deepest form of the natural leader development work